Beauty comes from the heart! people say that Paris Hilton is beautiful but, have you heard her mouth! YUK! You take care of your heart and soften up then the inner beauty will become evident outside. You must first love yourself before you can show it. I have met some of the most beautiful woman on the planet. Woman who aren't cover girls but men would just die to have them. Woman who truly LOVE but aren't the most georgeous woman out there nor would be on a magazine cover. I long for a woman of that true depth and real beauty. Don't worry about the physicle. That will take care of itself after you take care of the inside. Look! You can be the hottest looken babe out there but bet so ugly! For example, I love Latin woman. I look at actresses like Selma Hyak, Angelina Jolie, and Penelope Cruz. Yes they look absolutly georgeus to me but I wouldn't touch them with a 100 foot pole! Why, because I watch carefully and listen and the stuff that comes from their mouths and what they do with their life off screen speaks volumes to me. The Characters Angelina Jolie plays seem scary to me. A power mad woman who dominates everything, YIKES! Do you see what I mean? Why do you think so many Hollywood marriages do not last. Oh they look good together, so called perfect people, but, what about their real heart?
Who cares about make up if your heart is a real lemon!
I'd rather have a woman in my life who maybe wasn't the absolute barbie doll ladie but had the true inner beauty of a woman who knew really how to love completly. You touch on that and people will notice! Real beauty speaks volumes. People notice the heart far more than your Hiney! I know i would!I want to be beautiful, a real beauty, is there anything i can do, given that i cannot afford makeup and all?
Beauty is not just shape and fair skin.It has lot to do with how u carry urself,ur personality,ur confidence,Confidence is the key to a real beauty.Create ur definitions of real beauty. Report Abuse
I want to be beautiful, a real beauty, is there anything i can do, given that i cannot afford makeup and all?
There is one thing you can do.
Keep your skin as clean and blemish free as possible.
Don't scratch, pick, burst or otherwise abrade your skin when you have insect bites, wounds or pimples. When you damage your skin, they always leave a trace- a scar, a pock mark, discoloration. All of these detract from the beauty of healthy skin. And one hallmark of a beautiful woman is glowing, blemish-free skin. And this is all your skin, not just your face.
Beauty needs no make-up. Keep physically fit, love yourself and your body and you will be found to be beautiful by someone.
Do the things that make u feels beauty, and happy. Than u are beauty.
True Beauty comes from within. All the makeup and clothes in the world won't truly make a difference.
The first step is to accept and like yourself for who you are.
Tom me, nothing is more beautiful than the truth and being an individual. Just be your own beautiful self.
everyone will tell you that true beauty comes from within , its true but the world we live in dont allow for that to make much of a difference. most men will look right past a plain looking woman one without fancy make up and cloths. They dont know what they are missing . a woman like you whom cares about herself and the way other people see her Is already a beauty to a man that is worth your time.
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